Central Indiana Bicycling Association

CIBA News blog

  • Sat, August 27, 2022 2:15 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    2022 Pedal and Park Penrod Art Fair

    Wed Sep 7, 2022 – Sun Sep 11, 2022

    Please sign up for the Penrod Pedal and Park slots here. All volunteers get into the Fair for free.  (Must enter from the canal bridge - your Green Pedal and Park t-shirt is your entrance to the fair)

  • Fri, July 29, 2022 7:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CIBA is responsible for staffing the Pedal and Park Monon Boulevard Station (38th St) during the Indiana State Fair, July 29 - August 22.

    Pick your day or days and Volunteer for a 4-hour shift at this link:

    Pedal and Park Fair Signup

    Volunteers receive a T-shirt and a free day pass to the Fair of your choosing.

    Contact Alan Rainey for more information

  • Fri, July 01, 2022 10:52 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Check out the latest CIBA news, rides and events in the July Newsletter posted under the Member tab content on this website.   Registration open for NITE RIDE and the Hilly Hundred.  Check out the progress of the CIBA Challenge Tour de France!

    Utilize the drop-down menu to access the Current Newsletter tab OR the CIBA News tab which includes both the current newsletter and the archive of past months and years newsletters.

  • Thu, June 02, 2022 9:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Check out the latest CIBA news, rides and events in the June Newsletter posted under the Member tab content on this website.  Utilize the drop-down menu to access the Current Newsletter tab OR the CIBA News tab which includes both the current newsletter and the archive of past years newsletters.

  • Sun, May 01, 2022 8:40 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Check out the latest CIBA news, rides and events in the May Newsletter posted under the Member tab content on this website.  Utilize the drop-down menu to access the Current Newsletter tab OR the CIBA News tab which includes both the current newsletter and the archive of past years newsletters.

  • Thu, April 21, 2022 4:53 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Along with the scheduled weekend and repeating rides listed on the calendar, further information will be forthcoming for the May 18th Ride of Silence and the preliminary information on the late summer NITE Ride

  • Wed, March 30, 2022 2:28 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Check out the latest CIBA news, rides and events in the April Newsletter posted under the Member tab content on this website.

  • Thu, March 10, 2022 9:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    CIBA is co-sponsoring a clean-up of trails in Indianapolis beginning at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 2, followed by an after party from 4 to 6:30.  We will gather at 10:30 at the intersection of the Fall Creek and Monon Trails, south of 38th St.  From this location, participants will be sent out to various locations on the Fall Creek and Monon Trails.  (Note that this is a departure from our original plan to begin at different locations.) We encourage participants to come on two wheels, and to use their bicycles to move from place as they pick up trash.  If you arrive by automobile, there is a parking lot on the Fall Creek Trail, just east of Central Avenue.  From there, you can easily walk or ride to the starting point.

    We expect to have simple food, such as hotdogs (with a vegan option!) and potato chips, and beer available at the party afterwards at 4557 Winthrop Avenue, just off the Monon Trail.  For the purpose of buying food and drink, we ask people to RSVP; the easiest way to do that is on the Facebook site for the event, which is accessible through the CIBA FB page. Contact Bill Watts for further information.

  • Mon, March 07, 2022 5:23 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You are invited to send your kids or grandkids ages 13-22 on a trip of a lifetime.  The deCycles will be cycling from Key West, FL to Bloomington, IN this summer from June 16 – July 10.  This is the deCycles 29th annual summer trip taking teens and college students all over the U.S. and Canada on a bicycle.  The experience is unforgettable, and the fitness is unbelievable. 

    Trip details and application can be found on the deCycles website:  www.decyclesindiana.org

    Movie trailer from last summer’s trip:  https://youtu.be/D7H_pOSwWss

  • Tue, March 01, 2022 9:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Check out the 2022 CIBA goals and ride adventures planned for this year!  Members may view the latest news by logging into this website and finding the CIBA March Newsletter within the Member tabs > CIBANews.

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